Apart for the Property Editor which enables you to set and change all the styles available to your components and containers, iiziGo offers you a comprehensive interface for creating style sheets called the Style Editor. You can use the Style Editor
to create a named CSS style
. This named style can then be referenced in the Base properties of a component, under the property group, Styles
where a component will have two properties, Normal
and Disabled
As of the present version of iiziGo, only the components for which the Styles property group
appear in the Property Editor
are eligible for named style sheets.
To create a new named style, right-click on the Styles folder
in your project’s tree view and choose New style
. The Style Editor will open. The Style Editor includes a live presentation of all the style properties offered in the Style section
of your Panel’s Property Editor. Explore
and create CSS styles
by experimenting with properties; you will see that the results update immediately in the Style Editor display
(EDIT IS Required here)